4 reasons why Marcus Rashford campaign works and yours doesn’t

2 min readOct 31, 2020

I’m sure by now you’ve heard about Marcus Rashford.

A 22-year-old MBE football player who has currently done as much work for the disadvantaged children than the Government has in the last 10 years.

Who would have thought it?

Definitely not me.

But you see, it becomes a bit easier to understand why Rashfords campaign works and yours doesn’t.

1. Authenticity

What would any young 22 years old do if they want to create awareness?

Use social media.

Several tweets later and we not only have thousands of retweets but also articles being written by national newspapers.

That’s authentic. That is very normal for someone his age to do in the digital age. No major billboards, online ads or even magazine placements just several 240 characters later.

Its, what comes naturally to him.

2. Optimising his audience

Let’s be clear, this wouldn’t have been possible if he wasn’t who he is.

A first-team player for Manchester United and England intentional.

He has more of a reach than anyone else.

But without posting on his personal accounts he will never have gotten his message across. He used his followers to his advantage.

And it worked.

3. Personal story

Let it be known. Rashford had free school meals because his mother couldn’t afford it. And I only know this because he told us.

Rashford story is like many around the country. And that’s key. He is relatable as it is HIS story.

By sharing his personal story he was able to resonate with the nation. It wasn’t made up, it was a story that let us into his world, to know more about him and to care more about him.

His story is relatable. His story worked. Because it’s his.

4. Clear message

#Endchildpoverty. That’s it. That’s the message. No hidden agendas, no overcomplicated words but just a simple message that resonates with the nation.

But how?

Easy. He knew his audience personas and understood what works.

With a world that is filled with new information, everyday Rashford was competing with millions of new campaigns and he did what others failed to do.

Keep it simple, make it clear and use as few words as possible.

Final thoughts

Without these 4 reasons, it would have been difficult for Rashford to get his message across. Granted, his message would have gathered as much attention due to his platform. But the scale? Debatable.

As a brand you need to do what works for you, figure out your message, make it simple, find the places to amply your voice that has your audience, and if you can, make it personal. It makes a difference.




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